Pesticides are used to control various pests and disease carriers, such as mosquitoes, ticks, rats and mice. Pesticides are used in agriculture to control weeds, insect infestation and diseases.
There are many different types of pesticides; each is meant to be effective against specific pests
Seeds are used to propagate many crops such as cereals, legumes, forest trees, turfgrasses, and pasture grasses. Particularly in developing countries, a major constraint faced is the inadequacy of the marketing channels to get the seed to poor farmers.
Thus the use of farmer-retained seed remains quite common.
In addition to electricity and fuels, biomass can be used to create valuable chemicals and materials, known as “bioproducts.” Non-food biomass such as the crop residue pictured above can be converted to biofuels as well as high-value products such as plastics, chemicals, and fertilizers.
Water-soluble vitamins are carried to the body’s tissues but are not stored in the body. They are found in many plant and animal foods and in dietary supplements and must be taken in daily.
Equipment most commonly refers to a set of tools or other objects commonly used to achieve a particular objective. Different jobs require different kinds of equipment.